====== Safiya Musa ======
{{ :actress:safiya_musa.jpg?nolink&128 }} \\ **Born** Safiya Musa on September 5, 1985 (age: 27) \\ **Occupation** Actress
===== Filmography =====
==== Actress ====
---- datatable ----
cols : film_page, yearlabel_title
headers : Film, Year
filter : type=film
and : starring_pages==actress/safiya_musa
and : film!=film/
and : film!=
sort : film
==== Producer ====
---- datatable ----
cols : film_page, yearlabel_title
headers : Film, Year
filter : type=film
and : producer_pages==actress/safiya_musa
and : film!=film/
and : film!=
sort : film
===== Links =====
* [[http://al-amin-ciroma.blogspot.com/2011/03/acting-is-very-hectic-game-safiya.html|Acting Is A Very Hectic Game - Safiya]]
* [[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001906683599&sk=info|Facebook profile]]
* [[http://www.afriquechos.ch/spip.php?article2687|Interview (in French)]]
* [[http://kannywoodgossip.wordpress.com/2013/03/07/safiya-musa-secretly-got-married-on-an-undisclosed-invitation/|Safiya Musa Secretly Got Married On An Undisclosed Invitation]]
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